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Writer's picture: Dave DDave D

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

The board is focused on expanding the range of events and programs that the community center offers. This is a slow process and can only grow as fast as new volunteers or partnerships arise. Below is a summary of most the programs we are still hosting or wanting to host:

Complete for 2023:

  • Lasagna Dinner – This is a fundraiser social hosted by the Quit Club annually in April – this year the Quilt Club added the feature of a silent auction. The event drew a wonderful crowd and the silent auction received a lot of praise among community members. We are looking forward to see how they will expand the event next year!

  • Memorial Day – This year was coordinated by Sherry Pixley and turned out to be a great event with a lot of participation. Thanks to Dan Foreman for being our guest speaker!

  • Quilt Club Centennial Celebration – Our Quilt Club turned 100 years old this year and celebrated by throwing a party for the community in July. A local band, The Palouse Oldtime Fiddlers, put on a great show for the audience and there were demonstrations of quilting techniques, knitting, crocheting, macramé, needlepoint and other crafting methods on display.

Still-to-come events:

  • Craft Fair – Hosted by the Quilt Club, this has become a popular annual tradition and attracts local craft vendors from Viola and the surrounding region. This year it will be held on Saturday, October 21st.

  • Firepit Social – Volunteers bring their firepits and set them up in the parking lot of the VCC. Roasting marshmallows will be provided by VCC. Bring your own drinks, additional smores ingredients, or anything else you’d like to roast. To be hosted from 6-9pm on Friday the 20th of October.

  • Turkey Trot – NEW – being coordinated by Dianna Spellman – thank you! It will be a fundraising run this year on Thanksgiving Day in the morning. Further details to be provided.

  • Thanksgiving Dinner – As usual we will be hosting a potluck-style dinner on Thanksgiving Day. Details are still being worked out, but dinner is normally ready by mid-afternoon and normally have some volunteers to donate bigger main entrées. More to come for this.

Ongoing Programs:

  • The Quilt Club is always looking for new members interested in meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays to do quilting and crafts.

  • Coffee and Conversation – New for 2023, the VCC is opening up the center on Thursday mornings (6-10am) for anyone to gather, meet, and chat with folks from the community and around the region.

  • Homesteading for Health – This is a twice-per-month gathering to bring together folks interested in small-scale farming, land management, natural health, self-reliance, and community resiliency.

  • Local Play – VCC partners with APOD Productions, another 503(C)(3) nonprofit, to bring performing arts into our community. This year’s fall production with be The Secret Garden and will run from November 3-11.

  • Welcome Baskets – VCC has made it a goal to hand out an informational/gift basket to each new resident of the Viola zip code that we learn about. So far this season we have distributed five baskets and have two more lined up. If you know of a recent new neighbor that hasn’t received one, PLEASE LET US KNOW! If you are a local business and want to get a small (mug-sized or smaller) gift or literature into the basket content, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Contact

  • Blood Drives – The VCC partners with the American Red Cross to bring blood drives close to home for anyone desiring to donate. We try to get about six blood drives on the calendar each year.

  • Elections – The VCC serves as the polling location for elections that apply to the Viola Precinct.

  • A new local church, The Bible Believers Church of the Palouse, has been holding services at the community center on most Sundays at 10:45am.

  • Fit and Fall Proof

    1. What is Fit and Fall Proof? Fit and Fall Proof classes provide older adults a friendly and safe exercise program developed to help reduce the risk of falling. Trained, local volunteer leaders teach classes two or three times a week for up to 60 minutes. Classes can help you: improve your balance, strength and mobility; reduce your risk of falls; enjoy an independent and healthy lifestyle; meet new friends and have fun.

    2. Can we get Fit and Fall Proof Classes in Viola? The community center remains committed to supporting Fit and Fall Proof classes. We ran one ten-week session in Spring of 2022. The atmosphere was very informal, and we had several volunteers to get us started with class leaders. Unfortunately, our starting volunteers could not continue endlessly and they were hoping to get more people to step forward who wanted to participate that could also become class leaders. With enough participants who are also qualified class leaders, no one individual has to take on the continuous burden and extensive commitment of class leadership. This is the model that Palouse River Community Center has adopted and it works for them. For us, however, we are still waiting for enough people to become qualified class leaders before we put it back on the calendar. The pamphlet included provides information about becoming a class leader. If you decide to become a class leader, please send us a note at and let us know so we can get the classes on the schedule once we get enough leaders.

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